Climb Monte Rosa - 4634m

Climb Monte Rosa - 4634m

The Monte Rosa lies on the border between Switzerland and Italy and is a thoroughly beautiful mountain range that should be on every mountaineers bucket list.

  • 天數: 7 天
EUR €3,350.00
Winter Alpine Skills

Winter Alpine Skills

This trip takes place in November and December which are typically more wild, colder and snowy, and far more quiet than the busy summer months in the Alps.

  • 天數: 4 天
EUR €1,450.00
North Wales Mountaineering Intro

North Wales Mountaineering Intro

This 2-day Mountaineering Introduction Course is a fun and friendly course to kickstart your mountaineering journey. This course is key to learning the skills you need to begin to scramble in the mountains.

  • 天數: 2 天
EUR €695.00
North Wales Alpine Prep Course

North Wales Alpine Prep Course

Our Alpine Preparation course is ideal for anybody looking to learn the skills you need to climb in the mountains, and will help you develop your Alpine skills for your next big trip.

  • 天數: 3 天
EUR €865.00

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